Reusable Feminine Hygiene Products

The Benefits of Reusable Feminine Care & Options Available to You

You’re looking at all the options. You know that “reusable” means eco-friendly, cost-effective, no nasty chemicals, and helping the planet with our waste problem.

But you may still be on the fence, unsure of whether you're really ready to trade in the ease of "throw away" for "wash away."

Reusable cloth pads for period

Until you’re able to get your hands on the product options and understand how they work, it may be a little hard to imagine — but we’re here to help answer your questions and give you a realistic picture of how reusable period care can benefit you!

For a quick review, here are some of the major benefits of reusable period care products and why so many women are moving away from traditional products.

The Benefits of All Reusable Feminine Care

Reusable period care offers so many benefits over disposables!  Here are some of our favorites:

Save the Earth

Our amazing earth is a blessing to care for and protect if we want our children and their children to continue to enjoy its natural beauty and healing food and plant life.

Choosing to reuse helps keep our world clean and toxin-free. Did you know that the average woman uses about 17,000 disposable pads and tampons throughout her lifetime?  That's a ton of toxic waste!

With reusables, we don't have to worry about filling up our own trash cans, sewer systems, and the world with used feminine hygiene products.

At Femallay, we want to support the environment and your body with health-conscious options and source the best materials so you have a clearly superior product for your feminine health needs.

Reusable period care and menstrual cups

Save Your Money

Reusables are also cost-effective in the short and long-run, because you’re generally going to spend about $50 to $150 a year on period care items. If you’re using organic material (which we would always recommend), your period care cost will be closer to the $150 mark.

However, when you can buy a cup for $30-35 or a few cloth pads for $25+ to start, they can provide years of healthy, waste-free period care - effectively saving you hundreds of dollars over time!

Better for Your Body

In recent years, scientific studies have confirmed various health risks associated with conventional tampons and pads. These mainline products contain harsh synthetic fibers like rayon, cotton sprayed with pesticides, and chemicals such as Dioxin – a byproduct of the chlorine used to process cotton. The unintended consequence of introducing these foreign chemicals to a part of your body that rapidly soaks them in is a greater risk for ovarian cancer, low fertility, and Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), to name a few.

Additionally, the synthetic fibers and chemicals left behind put male partners at a greater risk for low sperm count, prostate problems, and testicular cancer. 

Ain't nobody got time for that!

Reusables offer a healthier and safer alternative, containing no synthetic fibers, pesticides, or chlorine that can dry you out, scratch delicate vaginal tissue, or otherwise harm you and the environment. 

Comfort & Convenience

While disposables may seem more convenient at first glance, when you consider their need for a trash can near by at all times, the noise, the smell, and the discomfort they can cause to your vagina and inner thighs, you may start to understand how a soft cloth pad that can be stored and washed later or a barely noticeable period cup that need only be dumped occasionally can actually make traveling and tending to your period more discreet, comfortable, and convenient than you ever before imagined.

Fun fact: The majority of women who try a menstrual cup stick with cups for life. So why not give it a try yourself - you just might find your period's best friend!

So now that we know some key benefits, let's dive into the 411 on everything reusable period care and help you understand how they work, the pros and cons, and why each option might be right for you.

Your Options for Personal Care Products

There are four main options for reusable care: cloth pads, period underwear, sea sponge tampons, and silicone period cups. They each have unique features and drawbacks that make them ideal for various kinds of women. 

Period Underwear and Cloth Pads

Both period underwear and reusable pads absorb your flow. If you’re used to using regular pads, this may be a natural transition for you. 

Period Underwear

The benefits: Most companies provide leakproof, moisture-free, and anti-microbial barriers that keep you feeling dry and smelling fresh. They can look extremely sleek, gorgeous even, and definitely make you feel like you aren’t on your period.

period panties

The drawbacks: Period Underwear can cost between $10 to $60 a pair, with the most reputable options landing on the higher end. It can become a high-cost solution if you use it for your regular menstrual care option. 

And then there’s the question of changing them. At some point, you’re going to need change and if you’re in public, that presents a few problems or inconveniences. 

Our final thoughts: Period underwear looks like an alluring solution. At first. 

The thought of not having to wear an additional layer of protection seems like a win-win until you dive into the daily use!

There are situations that make it simple to wear (like wearing them for a few hours at an event or if you work from home). But after realizing that you have to take all your clothes off to freshen up, it may be impractical for solo day-to-day use, especially if you’re away from home often.

They may be ideal as an extra layer of protection when using another period care option, however. 

Cloth Pads

The benefits: As with period underwear, cloth pads provide a leakproof, moisture-free, and anti-microbial barrier that keeps you dry and smelling fresh. You may, at first, feel a bit “old school” having to wash out your unmentionables. But once you start using them, you’ll find they are incredibly soft and comfortable. And as for the cleaning aspect, it becomes second nature.

At Femallay, we provide an array of colors and patterns to fit any preference, and the charcoal bamboo layer is hypoallergenic, extremely soft, stain-resistant, and can last for years. Our pads cost around $8 per pad, making it the lowest cost option to get started, as you can build up your collection over time. We recommend having 5-7 pairs in a variety of sizes for different days. 

The drawbacks: You may wonder what to do with the pads when you need to change them away from home. We provide “wet and dry bags” that you can purchase to store them in. Simply fold the pad in half, snap the buttons, and store them away for washing at home.

Our final thoughts: We love the cloth pad for its low cost, long life span, convenience, and comfort. If you’re looking for options, check out our fabulous line of stylish bamboo charcoal pads

Sea Sponge Tampons and Silicone Period Cups

Both sea sponge tampons and silicone cups collect the flow within your vagina. If you are accustomed to using tampons, either may be an amazing option for you! 

Sea Sponge Tampons

The benefits: Sea sponge tampons are a unique and fantastic natural wellness solution for period care! As the name implies, they are impeccable at absorbing your flow, but super soft and gentle on vaginal tissue. These hand-harvested sea plants also contain natural enzymes and minerals that inhibit odor and bacteria. 

Another huge benefit is that you can trim your sponge down to the size that perfectly fits you. This can bring another level of comfort and support during your period.  You can also opt for a large sponge or two sponges for extra absorbency and the ultimate protection from leaks.
Sponges can even be worn during intercourse for mess-free period sex, unlike any other period care product available. 

The drawbacks: When you receive your sea sponge in the mail, you will have to do some simple treatments to it to make sure they're clean and safe to use. And when they get full, you have to squeeze out the blood under running water.
If you’re particularly squeamish, this might be unpleasant. But it really sounds worse than it is, and the comfort and security alone can make it all worth it.
Sponges are biodegradable, making them super eco-friendly, but this also means they need to be replaced every few months.
This makes them a bit more costly than options that last for years, like silicone cups and cloth pads.
Our final thoughts: We think Sea Sponge Tampons are a fantastic option to manage your menstrual flow, as long as you purchase them from a highly reputable company and are comfortable taking the time and maintenance required to keep them safe to use.
Some sensitive women, including those with endometriosis, have reported extra soft sponges as the only thing they could comfortably use to manage their period. This makes them definitely worth a try in our books!

Silicone Period Cups

The benefits: Cups bring a one-stop-shop option for your period care needs! Many women buy one cup and use it for years before needing to replace it, making it one of the most economical choices. If you are comfortable trying something new, most women find the cup extremely comfortable and practical within a few uses.

Here’s some more great information on finding the best cup for you and how to use your cup

Reusable period care menstrual cup

The drawbacks: The biggest issues with using a cup is finding one that fits your properly and the learning curve. But if you’re up for learning something new, you’ll be able to learn more about your body, your cervix, and your needs during that time of the month.  

Our final thoughts: It’s no secret that we love our period cups and have developed a game-changing option with our Easy-Empty™ Menstrual Cup! This cup offers extended wear times over other cups, because you can empty without removal through the convenient empty valve.

Simply wash one time a day, typically during your shower, leaving you more time to do what you love and less time worrying about your flow. 

Easy-Empty Menstrual Cup How To

Whatever reusable feminine hygiene product you use, your body and the planet will thank you for choosing a more sustainable and healthy option to last you for years to come!

Questions about our period care options? Let us know at – we love helping women find their perfect period solution!

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