Raspberries. You either love ‘em or you’re just indifferent. Today, I’m going to tell you why you should actually be crazy about what their leaves have to offer —red raspberry leaf tea has incredible benefits! — and why every woman needs to be consuming this goodness on a daily basis!

Why is Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Important
The raspberry is a member of the rose family and are planted in the winter; the bushes they grow on seem to bear fruit indefinitely in cooler climates. The leaves that are gathered in springtime, before the plant flowers, have the highest antioxidant content. This makes them an extremely potent source of vital nutrients.
This household herb has been used for centuries by Native Americans to treat medical issues from canker sores to morning sickness. Its usefulness eventually spread in popularity, and the herb even earned approval by the authoritative British Herbal Compendium and was officially listed in the US Pharmacopoeia from 1882 to 1905 and in the National Formulary from 1916 to 1942.

Wow! So what’s the magic behind this tiny little leaf?
Well, as you might guess, it’s loaded with vitamins & nutrients including:
- carotenoids
- citric acid
- fragrine
- pectin
- tannins
- vitamins A, B complex, C, D and E
- calcium
- manganese
- phosphorus
- potassium
- selenium
- silicon
- sulfur
“So what?” you say? Let’s delve into red raspberry leaf tea benefits and how they can help you as a woman, especially in whole leaf tea form.
How to Use Red Raspberry Leaf Tea for Women's Wellness
1. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea for Labor, Pregnancy, & Postpartum
Not only does red raspberry leaf tea fight morning sickness, thanks to being rich in magnesium, but the herb has also been known to act as a toner for the uterus, easing the pains of labor, and reducing the risk of bleeding after birth.

Its benefit to mamas doesn’t stop there. It also promotes a plentiful supply of breastmilk and alleviates anemia, a common discomfort for pregnant or postpartum women.
2. Red Raspberry Leaf for Reproductive Health
Raspberry leaf tea benefits include regulating irregular menstrual cycles, reducing heavy periods, and easing cramps. And in toning the uterus and fortifying the walls of the uterus, it also naturally promotes fertility.
3. Rids Bacteria and Toxins & Reduces Inflammation
Being rich in antioxidants, the raspberry leaf is effective in cleansing the body, getting rid of free radicals, eliminating oxidative stress, and acting as a natural diuretic.
Not only that, but it fights bad bacteria, and can help with infection.

Red raspberries are known to reduce inflammation and relieve pain associated with inflammatory joint conditions, such as arthritis. This means less pain and reduced need for anti-inflammatory medications, because ain’t nobody got time for all those side effects!
4. Balances Blood Sugar
Metabolic issues and even hormonal imbalances are caused by wacky blood sugar, especially when glucose is easily spiked. According to various studies, drinking raspberry leaf tea can help to lower the level of glucose in the blood. In this way, it can help level out energy levels and even speed up our metabolism.
Who doesn’t want that?
5. Stress Relief
This herb is rich in B-complex vitamins which are known to help reduce stress. Stress can contribute to a whole host of other issues in a woman’s body, from hormones to stomach problems! Drinking red raspberry leaf tea can help reduce stress and promote overall health.
Do you feel tempted yet? There are so many great benefits from one simple but seemingly magical herb. But don't just take my word for it!
Experience these herbal remedies yourself by trying any of our Women's Wellness Herbal teas with red raspberry leaf and other super-food herbs. These delicious blends include original, chocolate peppermint, and lemon raspberry. Check 'em out here!
How to Brew Red Raspberry Leaf Tea
Whole leaf tea allows you to savor a fuller, more complex flavor and herb potency than what you typically get in broken leaf teas sold commercially. And it’s really quite easy to do!
Bring fresh water to a rolling boil and pour over 1-1½ rounded teaspoons per cup of tea (8-12 ounces of water). Allow to steep 3-7 minutes before removal. Adjust time to taste.
Loose tea leaves can be brewed in our reusable non-bleached cotton bags or disposable, biodegradable press 'n' seal filter bags. You may also choose to use a stainless steel tea ball or brew in your coffee pot for a strong medicinal drink.
Brew, savor, and enjoy the boost in health and mood!